We need your help!

We will be making our move to Tennessee very soon and are putting together our SIMPLE 7 US TOUR!

This will be a cross country road trip starting in California. We'll be hitting up trade shows and similar events to spread the word about Simple 7 Pet Treats and tell people about our mission!!

The deal on the bus we were supposed to get fell through, but that's not going to stop us! We have a mission, and nothing's going to get in our way!

The truck we've been using as our transport vehicle has unfortunately given us nothing but problems since we started this trip. After replacing the oil pan and all four tires, we’ve exhausted the majority of our funds. Now the transmission is going out and the truck needs brakes.

As a small and new charity we simply don't have more money to put into this vehicle. Our situation is quite dire as we have 9 dogs we need to get to Tennessee and no vehicle to transport them in.

At this time we're hoping to find a company that is willing to donate a vehicle/bus or the funds to purchase one.

Since we are a 501c3 charity, this donation will be completely tax deductible. On top of that, we are willing to allocate a portion of the outside of the vehicle as advertising for that business. We are traveling cross country on this trip, visiting trade shows selling our pet treats and staying in state parks; the advertisement will be seen by thousands of people each week we're on the road.

We'll be spreading the word about SIMPLE 7 PET TREATS, and making connections so we can make our dream come true and save hundreds, no thousands more animals, and you can be a huge part of it!!

It may not be perfect, it's going to definitely take some hard work, but we are ready for this next adventure!!

We can't do it alone though! We need your help! Even if all you can do is spread the word about our journey you are helping tremendously!!

If you have the means to help us financially please do! We have our wonderful homemade pet treats and handmade wood items for sale. You can also donate directly to us through our website. All donations are completely tax deductible as we are 501c3 non-profit!!

Thank you so much for your support!!